Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Probable Market TODAY (19 Nov)


AT the point Market looks under completion phase of consolidation.

NSE (Nifty Spot)
Prv Close 2683.15
Pivot Point 2716.63
Supports 2631>2578>2493
Resistance 2769>2855>2907

Prv Close 8937.2
Pivot Point 8992.65
Supports 8816>8695>8519
Resistance 9114>9290>9411

Nifty may try to open Flat.
Volatility Index (VIX) on last closing day = 64.66 (- 24.05%)

ADVISE TO TRADERS AND INTRADAY - under volatile market 1st hour and 1 to 2.30 is with negetive bias, while balance of the day will try to recover.

ADVISE TO INVESTOR COMMUNITY - buy at dips, go slow upto weekend !!

Quote: Great stocks are extremely hard to find. If they weren't, then everyone would own them. - Philip A. Fisher

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